Pushing the boundaries with these advanced combination
You will need:
- Hex dumbells 10kg x 2
- Medicine ball 6kg
- Battle rope
- Door Gym
This workout can be done individually or as a circuit repeated 4 times
Exercise 1 : Battle Rope Drill - 1 min 4 sets
Benefit : Fast action High Intensity Workout to get fit and burn calories
- Grab both ends of the battle rope
- Stand in a half squat position
- Alternate an up and down movement to create a "wave" like motion
- You should be feeling your shoulder, arms and legs working in the exercise
Exercise 2 : Medicine Ball Push Ups : 12 reps 4 sets
Benefit : Great way to overload the chest to induce growth
- Place both hands on the medicine ball.
- Have your chest touching the ball and then lift your knees off the ground
- Perform the push up until your arms are straight.
- Lower slowly but do not allow your chest to touch the ball
Exercise 3 : Doorway Chin-Ups : AMRAP (as many reps as possible) 4 sets
Benefit : Body weight Chin-ups are the quickest way to a swimmers V shape
- Use the wide grip for maximum results
- If you struggle with your own weight use a chair for assisted chin ups
- Aim to do as many as you can with good technique and then add more reps each day
- Try doing them slow down and fast up
Exercise 4 : Squat with dumbbell shoulder press : 12 reps 4 sets
Benefit : This compound exercise works the entire body
- Stand up tall with the dumbbells in each hand.
- Bring the dumbbells up to your chest with palms facing you
- Squat down as far as you can and as you start to come up start pushing the dumbbells upward
- Once you make it to the top come back down to the squat but remember to do it slowly