We are aware of online scams using the names of well-known retailers, including rebel and encourage our customers to be cautious. These scams can involve emails, text or SMS, phone calls, social media, websites, competitions, surveys, and other unsolicited contact using the rebel brand (name and logo) without our permission.
These "offers" will usually attempt to collect your personal details and financial information, request payment for goods, services, or gifts, or direct you to scam websites that appear to be linked to the retailer and appear real.
rebel will never ask for personal or banking details in unsolicited communications.
Any competitions that are being run by rebel can be found on our website.
rebel social media accounts have the blue verified tick next to the account name. If an account looks to be rebel but doesn't have the blue verified tick it is not ours.
rebel has only one official website. https://www.rebelsport.com.au
Email communication will come from either info@rebelsport.com.au or rebel_active@email.rebelsport.com.au
Online order confirmations will come from info@rebelsport.com.au
Product review requests will come from noreply@rebelsport.com.au
Bonus Gift Cards or Gift Card prizes will come from noreply@rebelsport.com.au
rebel takes the security of our customers’ and team members’ personal information very seriously and you can find out more about how we collect and manage your personal information by reading our privacy policy.
For Australian customers, the Australian Government has Scamwatch, where you can report these issues to the National Anti-Scam Centre. Scamwatch also provides guidance on how you can stay protected. The webpage also includes links to information about how to stay safe online and avoid being exposed to online scams. If you are unsure of a communication or social media page's authenticity or wish to report a scam passing off as rebel, please contact us.