Rebel AUSA Basketball Promotion Terms & Conditions ("Conditions of Entry")

Terms and Conditions



Rebel AUSA Basketball Promotion


Rebel Sport Limited ABN 78 003 283 823, Level 5, 1B Homebush Bay Drive, Rhodes, NSW 2138, Australia. Ph: 1300 654 502

Promotional Period:

Start date: 19/08/24 at 09:00 am AEST

End date: 20/10/24 at 11:59 pm AEDT

Eligible entrants:

Entry is only open to Australian residents who are:

• aged between 14 and 20 years old;

• a Rebel Active member; and

• are available to attend an ‘AUSA Hoops Trial’.

Entrants under the age of 18 must have a parent or legal guardian enter this Promotion on their behalf who may accompany them to the AUSA Hoops Trial (“Trial”). The parent or legal guardian must be a Rebel Active member and must give consent for their child to participate in the Trial.

How to Enter:

To enter, the entrant must complete all three of the following steps during the Promotional Period:

a) purchase any pair of Signature or Elite Basketball shoes from any rebel store (including online) (“Participating Venues”). All entrants will receive a free pass to participate in the Trial; and

b) register to take part in the Trial by visiting [] and fully completing and submitting the Rebel online entry form with their personal details as requested, confirming their Rebel Active membership, and providing proof of purchase (a copied receipt and their transaction number).

c) Register at AUSA Hoops Website by visiting and fully completing and submitting the AUSA Hoops online registration form to facilitate the organisation and conduct of the Trial by AUSA Hoops to the eligible Entrant.

Proof of Purchase: The entrant must retain proof of purchase. The proof of purchase required is an original receipt for the qualifying transaction.

Trial details:

• Upon the entrant’s registration on AUSA Hoops link as above, AUSA Hoops as the Trial Organiser is solely responsible to the entrant for the organisation and conduct of the Trial (as the designated supplier of recreational services as defined under the applicable law) and will further communicate any additional rules regarding the Trial to the entrant on the actual trial day. . The Promoter accepts no responsibility or liability for the conduct of such Trials by AUSA Hoops and the entrant agrees and acknowledges that registration for and participation in the Trial organised by AUSA Hoops is at their own risk.

• The trial venues, dates, and times will be available via email once registered ("Trial Venues"). If an entrant is unavailable to attend the trial on the required date, they will forfeit their right to participate and will not receive cash or any other alternative.

• All costs associated with travel to and from the Trial Venue will be the responsibility of the entrant and their parent or legal guardian (if applicable).

• Entrants must be wearing appropriate footwear and clothing during the Trial. Entrants who are not wearing appropriate footwear or clothing will not be allowed to participate in the Trial.

• Entrants must possess appropriate levels of physical fitness, health, skill, balance, dexterity and other personal characteristics so as to be able to safely undertake the Trial. Entrants must carefully assess the levels of fitness, health, skill, balance, dexterity and other personal characteristics required of them when the Trial is disclosed to them. Entrants must immediately withdraw from the Trial if they may not satisfy any of the required levels of fitness, health, skill, balance, dexterity or other personal characteristics. AUSA Hoops as the Trial Organiser may require entrants to submit further information relating to their fitness, health, skill, balance, dexterity or other personal characteristics to ascertain their suitability. Acceptance of an entrant following receipt of this information in no way: (a) constitutes a representation or assurance by the Trial Organiser or by the Promoter that the entrant is suitable to undertake the Trial or; (b) constitutes any other representation or assurance from the Promoter regarding anything whatsoever relating to the availability or standard of services to be provided to the entrant by AUSA Hoops relating to the Trial; or (c) relieves the entrant of the obligation to assess all the requirements of the Trial (including health requirements) and any other conditions of Entry to this Promotion and to withdraw if there is any doubt regarding their suitability.

• The entrant and their parent or legal guardian (if applicable) may be required to sign an additional waiver, release and indemnity form where required as a condition of participation in the Trial and the Promotion

Entries permitted:

Only one (1) eligible entry per person will be accepted. By completing the entry method, the entrant will receive one (1) entry.

Winner Determination (2 winners):

a) The best female and male player, as determined by the AUSA Hoops coaches during the Trial, will each be deemed winners and will be provided with the opportunity to represent the Promoter in tournaments across the USA in front of college scouts.

b) Participants will be judged on the basis of skill, experience, and overall potential when taking part in the Trial.

c) The AUSA Hoops coaches may select additional reserve winners which they determine to be the next best, and record them in order, in case of an ineligible entrant.

d) The winners will be determined by skill. Chance plays no part in determining the winners. The AUSA Hoops coaches’ decision is final and binding and no correspondence will be entered into.

For the sake of clarity, the judging criteria is at the discretion of AUSA hoops, the Promoter is not involved in this decision.

Winner Announced:

The female and male winner of the Trial will be notified in person after judging has concluded by AUSA Hoops.

Total Prize Pool:

Up to AUD$30,000.00

Prize Description

Number of this prize

Value (per prize)

The prize consists of the following for the winner:

• return economy flights from the winner’s nearest capital city to the US (city to be determined by the Promoter in their absolute discretion);

• accommodation at college dorms;

• training camp;

• transfers to and from accommodation;

• the opportunity to represent the Promoter in basketball tournaments across the US; and

• footwear and apparel kit.

The winner may be required to travel to multiple cities as arranged by AUSA Hoops in consultation with the Promoter.

The duration and location of the trip will be communicated to the winners by AUSA Hoops.

2 (1 per female and male winner)

Up to AUD$15,000.00 depending on exact point of departure

Prize Conditions:

• The winner must take the travel on the dates as determined in consultation with the Promoter in its absolute discretion. If the winner is unavailable or unwilling to travel on the date/s required to coincide with the selected basketball tournaments, they will forfeit their right to the prize and will not be awarded cash or any other alternative in lieu.

• Travel itinerary will be determined in consultation with the Promoter in its absolute discretion.

• Prize is subject to the standard terms and conditions of relevant individual prize and service providers.

• The winner must depart from and return to the same departure point.

• Subject to the terms and conditions of the participating prize provider(s), if for any reason the winner does not, once the prize has been booked, take the prize (or an element of the prize) at the time stipulated, then the prize (or that element of the prize) will be forfeited and will not be redeemable for cash.

• The prize is subject to booking and flight availability.

• The winner is responsible for ensuring that they have a valid passport, and any requisite visas, vaccinations and travel documentation.

• Frequent flyer points will not be awarded and do not form part of the prize.

• Spending money, meals, taxes (excluding airline and airport taxes), insurance, passports, visas, vaccinations, transport to and from departure point, transfers, items of a personal nature, in-room charges and all other ancillary costs, unless otherwise specified in the prize description, are not included.

• The winner must, in order to qualify for the prize(s), agree to be a brand ambassador for the Promoter and as a condition of agreeing to this role, must behave in a manner befitting this role during their attendance at tournaments and participation in the prize trip, and must not be involved in conduct: (i) of a scandalous, immoral or illegal nature likely to have an adverse effect on the image of the winner and/or their association with the Promoter, (ii) of such a controversial nature which brings upon the winner ridicule or condemnation from a substantial section of the public in Australia; or (iii) that is likely to bring the Promoter, its products or services, or its agencies or contractors into disrepute.

• Parents or legal guardians may travel alongside the entrant; however, they will be responsible for covering all travel expenses, including but not limited to flights, accommodation, and transfers.


1. The entrant agrees and acknowledges that they have read these Conditions of Entry (and Schedule) and that entry in the Promotion is deemed to be acceptance of these Conditions of Entry (and Schedule). Any capitalised terms used in these Conditions of Entry have the meaning given in the Schedule, unless stated otherwise.

2. The Promotion commences on the Start Date and ends on the End Date ("Promotional Period"). Entries are deemed to be received at the time of receipt by the Promoter and not at the time of transmission or deposit by the entrant. Records of the Promoter and its agencies are final and conclusive as to the time of receipt.

3. Valid and eligible entries will be accepted during the Promotional Period.

4. Employees (and their immediate family members) of the Participating Venues, agencies/companies directly associated with the conduct of this Promotion, the Promoter, businesses involved in determination of winner/s for the Promotion, businesses involved in the management of the Promotion, any organisation benefiting from the Promotion, the Promoter’s distributors, suppliers, subsidiary companies/businesses and associated companies and agencies are not eligible to entry. "Immediate family member" means any of the following: spouse, ex-spouse, de-facto spouse, child or step-child (whether natural or by adoption), parent, step-parent, grandparent, step-grandparent, uncle, aunt, niece, nephew, brother, sister, step-brother, step-sister or 1st cousin.

5. Entrants must keep their proof of purchase specified in the How to Enter section for each entry as proof of purchase ("Proof of Purchase"). If an entrant fails to produce the Proof of Purchase for a specific entry or each entry, as and when requested by the Promoter, the Promoter has the right to invalidate the entrant's respective entry/claim for which Proof of Purchase cannot be provided and/or all entries submitted by that entrant and/or forfeit the entrant's right to participate. Purchase receipt(s) must clearly specify: (a) the store of purchase as an eligible store; (b) the required product/s or service/s to be purchased for entry; and (c) that the purchase was made during the Promotional Period and prior to entry. If the Promoter invalidates an entry and forfeits the entrant’s right to a prize, the Promoter may require a prize already awarded to be returned to the Promoter or a Participating Venue.

6. The value of the prizes is accurate and based upon the recommended retail value of the prizes (inclusive of GST) at the date of printing. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for any variation in the value of the prizes after that date.

7. No part of a prize is exchangeable, redeemable for cash or any other prize or transferable, unless otherwise specified in writing by the Promoter.

8. Each prize will be awarded to the person named in the entry and any entry that is made on behalf of an entrant or by a third party will be invalid. If there is a dispute as to the identity of an entrant or winner, the Promoter reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to determine the identity of the entrant or winner.

9. Entrants' personal information will be collected by the Promoter. Personal information will be stored on the Promoter's database. The Promoter may use this information for future marketing purposes regarding its products, including contacting the entrant electronically. The Promoter will handle personal information in accordance with its privacy policy which is located at The Promoter collects personal information about entrants to enable them to participate in this Promotion and may disclose the entrants' personal information to third parties including its contractors and agents, prize suppliers and service providers to assist in conducting this Promotion. If the entrant does not provide their personal information as requested, they may be ineligible to enter or entry a prize in the Promotion. The Promoter may transfer entrants' personal information to countries specified in the Promoter’s privacy policy. Entrants acknowledge that the Promoter cannot guarantee that any overseas recipient will not breach the Australian Privacy Principles. By entering this promotion, entrants consent to overseas transfer on these terms and agree that the Promoter is not liable for any such breach.

10. If a prize is provided to the Promoter by a third party, the prize is subject to the terms and conditions of the third party prize supplier and the provision of the prize is the sole responsibility of the third party and not the Promoter. The terms and conditions which apply to the prize at the time it is issued to the entrant will prevail over these Conditions of Entry, to the extent of any inconsistency. The Promoter accepts no responsibility or liability for any delay or failure by the third party to deliver the prize, any delay or failure relating to the prize itself or failure by the third party to meet any of its obligations in these Conditions of Entry or otherwise.

11. Any guarantee or warranty given is in addition to any relevant statutory guarantees and warranties and nothing in these Conditions of Entry restricts, excludes or modifies or purports to restrict, exclude or modify any statutory consumer rights under any applicable law including the Competition and Consumer Act 2010 (Cth).

12. If for any reason any aspect of this Promotion is not capable of running as planned, including by reason of computer virus, communications network failure, bugs, tampering, unauthorised intervention, fraud, technical failure or any cause beyond the control of the Promoter, the Promoter may in its sole discretion cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Promotion and invalidate any affected entries, or suspend or modify a prize.

13. The Promoter reserves the right, at any time, to validate and check the authenticity of entries and entrant's details (including an entrant's identity, age and place of residence). In the event that an entrant cannot provide suitable proof as required by the Promoter to validate their entry, the entrant will forfeit the prize in whole and no substitute will be offered. Incomplete, indecipherable, inaudible, incorrect and illegible entries, as applicable, will at the Promoter's discretion be deemed invalid and not eligible to win. Entries containing offensive or defamatory comments, or which breach any law or infringe any third party rights, including intellectual property rights, are not eligible to win. The use of any automated entry software or any other mechanical or electronic means that allows an individual to automatically enter repeatedly is prohibited and may render all entries submitted by that individual invalid.

14. The Promoter reserves the right to disqualify entries in the event of non-compliance with these Conditions of Entry. In the event that there is a dispute concerning the conduct of the Promotion or claiming a prize, the Promoter will resolve the dispute in direct consultation with the entrant. If the dispute cannot be resolved the Promoter’s decision will be final.

15. The Promoter and any of its authorized - agencies -in connection with this Promotion will not be liable for any loss (including, without limitation, indirect, special or consequential loss or loss of profits), expense, damage, personal injury or death which is suffered or sustained (whether or not arising from any person's negligence or wilful misconduct) in connection with (a) this Promotion or; (b) accepting or using any prize (or recommendation); (c) Winner selection except for any liability which cannot be excluded by law (in which case that liability is limited to the minimum allowable by law).

16. The winner(s) will participate in and co-operate as required with all reasonable marketing and editorial activities relating to the Promotion, including (but not limited to) being recorded, photographed, filmed or interviewed and acknowledges that the Promoter may use any such marketing and editorial material without further reference or compensation to them.

17. Unless otherwise specified, a prize is a single event for the entrant (and where relevant their legal guardian/parent) and cannot be separated into separate events or components.

18. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for any tax implications and the entrant must seek their own independent financial advice in regards to the tax implications relating to the prize or acceptance of the prize.

19. Failure by the Promoter to enforce any of its rights at any stage does not constitute a waiver of these rights.