rebel Rookies Program (the "Program")

The Program Terms and Conditions
By registering my child in the ‘rebel Rookies’ program (‘the Program’), I acknowledge that I have read and agree to the terms and conditions below.

The Promoter is Rebel Sport Limited A.C.N. 003 283 823 of 823 of Level 5, 1B Homebush Bay Drive, Rhodes, NSW (the “Headquarters”).   
Participation Requirements
1.	Participation in the Program is open to Australian residents aged 7 to 12 years of age (“Participants”).
2.	The Program will be held at the following locations: 

Event Day - Location
2.1.	Saturday, 2nd April - Gold Coast, CBUS Stadium
2.2.	Monday, 4th April - Sunshine Coast, Sunshine Coast Sports Hub
2.3.	Tuesday, 5th April - Toowoomba, Toowoomba Sports Ground
2.4.	Thursday, 7th April - Brisbane, Perry Park
2.5.	Sunday, 10th April - Townsville, Country Bank Stadium
2.6.	Tuesday, 12th April - Melbourne, Kevin Bartlett Oval
2.7.	Wednesday, 20th April - Sydney, Stadium Australia
2.8.	Friday, 22nd April - Newcastle, Hunter Sportsground No. 2
2.9.	Wednesday, 27th April - Adelaide, Prospect Oval
3.	The Program will commence at 8:00AM local time (“SIGN-IN”) and end at 2:00PM (“SIGN-OUT”) local time on the Event Day at the Location. 
4.	To be eligible and participate in the Program, Participant’s Parent / Guardian must:
4.1.	be an existing rebel active member or agree to be sign up as a rebel active member; 
4.2.	follow the Registration Process outlined in clause 6 to 15 below; 
4.3.	complete the Waiver, Release and Acknowledgement form available here (the “Form”); and 
4.4.	deliver the completed Form to the Promotor prior to the Participant’s participation in the Program on or before the Event Day at the Location.
5.	This Program is a free event. Payment is not required.
Registration Process and Bookings
6.	Registration in the Program are allocated on a ‘first-in best-dressed’ basis.
7.	Registration in the Program will close at 9:00am local time on the day of each clinic, or until allocation is exhausted.
8.	Once allocation is exhausted, Parent / Guardian can apply for a Participant to be on the waiting list.
9.	Providing false information (such as age) is cause for the Promoter to withdraw the registration application in the Program.  The Promoter does not guarantee that Participant’s will be transferred into their correct age category.
10.	It is the responsibility of the Parent / Guardian to ensure the Participant’s details are true and correct.
11.	Where a Participant has a medical / dietary condition, this information must be disclosed in the Form and again prior to participation in the Program.  The Promoter has the right to withdraw participation in the Program if the Promoter reasonably believes that participation by the Participant would be unsafe.  
12.	The Promoter may distribute Program T-shirts prior to participation in the Program.  T-shirts will be subject to availability.  The Promoter will endeavour to provide all Participants with their preferred size.
13.	The Promoter accepts no responsibility for late, lost, incomplete, incorrectly submitted, delayed, illegible, corrupt or misdirected applications, claims or correspondence whether due to error, omission, alteration, tampering, deletion, theft, destruction or otherwise.  The Promoter has no control over communications networks or services, the internet or computer or telephone networks and accepts no responsibility for any problems associated with them.  
14.	By registering for the Program, the Participant and Parent / Guardian consent to the Promoter using:
14.1.	the  Participant’s name, likeness, image and/or voice to be reproduced and/or published in any medium for an unlimited period without remuneration for the purpose of promoting this Promotion, the Promoter’s business, and any products manufactured, distributed and/or supplied by the Promoter; 
14.2.	the Parent / Guardian’s personal information (in order to contact the Parent / Guardian about the Promotor’s brands, products, services, special offers, marketing, publicity, research, promotions, newsletters, online surveys, fundraising campaigns, alumni events, news and competitions in accordance with our Privacy Policy;
14.3.	the Participant’s sensitive personal information (including health information including any medical, behavioural or additional needs or allergies) for the purposes of conducting the Promotion and their safety
14.4.	the Participant and Parent / Guardian’s personal information for the purpose of contact tracing; and 
14.5.	the Participant and Parent / Guardian’s personal information for any other purpose reasonably necessary for the Promoter to contact you regarding the Program by any means it deems appropriate (including but not limited to email or telephone).  
15.	Any data collected for marketing purposes will be used in accordance with the Promoter’s privacy policy ( 
General Event Conditions
16.	The Promoter reserves the right to cancel or change the Location(s) of the Program at any time for any reason.   The Promotor will use its best endeavours to contact Parent / Guardian prior to the commencement of the Program via email. 
17.	The Promoter’s staff may alter activities on the day of the Program depending on Participant’s interest, weather, or other unavoidable situation.  Advertised activities are indicative only.  Alternative Program activities / lessons will be provided where this is the cause. 
18.	The Promoter does not accept responsibility for any items lost or stolen during the Program including any misplaced items or bags.
19.	The Promoter asks that all valuables are not brought to the Program. Phones and electronic devices are not to be used during Program hours.
20.	The Promoter may utilise a third-party service provider or agents to conduct the Program in a safe manner.  
21.	To participate in the Program the Participant and Parent / Guardian acknowledge and agree to comply with all safety directions (including but not limited to COVID Safe Plans) of the Promoter, its agents and service providers.  
22.	By participating in the Program the Participant and Parent / Guardian acknowledges that there is a heightened risk of contracting COVID-19 and Promoter (including its service providers, agents and employees) do not guarantee that it is or will remain a COVID-19 free area.   The Participant and  Parent  / Guardian assumes all risk for any loss or damage caused in this regard while participating in the Program.  
23.	By participating in the Program, the Participant and Parent / Guardian acknowledge that they are not currently exhibiting any respiratory symptoms, sore throat, fatigue, loss of smell or taste, runny nose, muscle pain, joint pain, diarrhoea, nausea/vomiting or loss of appetite, or that during the prior 14 days to the Program, they have not had close contact with a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19, or have lived in or travelled through a COVID-19 hotspot.
Food, allergies and medical conditions
24.	All relevant medical, behavioural or additional information of Participant must be declared at the time of registration. 
25.	Parent / Guardian will be responsible for ensuring they inform the Promoter if the Participant has any special needs or medical / dietary requirements prior to attending the Program. 
26.	Unless in an emergency and / or in line with an approved medical Action Plan, medication will only be administered if the Parent / Guardian has completed the waiver prior to the Program. 
27.	By enrolling the Participant, Parent / Guardian authorise the Promoter, the Promoter’s staff and contractors to obtain such medical assistance as they deem necessary and agree to meet these expenses.
28.	The Promoter promotes a healthy environment.  The Promoter requests that Participants who are sick (or their siblings) refrain from attending the Program.  
29.	The Promoter supports a NUT FREE environment. Please ensure the Participant does not bring any items which may contain nuts to the Program, including (but not limited to):
29.1.	sandwiches containing peanut butter or other nut butter and pastes, satay sauce or nutella;
29.2.	nuts packaged or in containers;
29.3.	nut meats, risolles or pesto;
29.4.	nut biscuits, baklava and other nut pastries; and
29.5.	nuts on or in salads, cakes, buns, desserts e.g. praline, carrot cake, muffins.
Child drop off/collection and transportation
30.	For the safety of the children, the same Parent / Guardian must attend SIGN-IN and SIGN-OUT of the Program with the Participant.  The Parent / Guardian is also required to sign an acknowledgement provided by the Promoter.  
31.	All Participants must be collected by the Parent / Guardian on or before SIGN-OUT (1:00PM) on the day of the Program.
32.	A Participant may be permitted to leave with a third party if the Parent / Guardian has specified on the Form at SIGN-IN. Proof of identity must be provided by the third party before a Participant is collected.
33.	Parent / Guardian will be responsible for the Participant during SIGN-OUT. The Promoter has no responsibility for the Participant after 2:00PM on the day of the Program.  
Child Behaviour
34.	Participants that put themselves (or others) at risk will not be tolerated by the Promoter.
35.	Participant must follow the Promotors behaviour guidelines.  Failure to follow such guidelines may result in the Participant being removed for a period of time from the Program.  If the behaviour is persistent or severe, the Promoter may contact Parents / Guardians to collect the Participant.  
36.	Any costs incurred as a result of damaged property as a result of the Participant’s behaviour will be charged to the Parent / Guardian by the Promoter.   
37.	All cancellations must be submitted to the Promoter in writing via email: with the subject line: ’rebel Rookies Day’ - Cancellation
38.	The Promoter requests that all cancellations are emailed through with as much notice as possible, to provide children on the waiting list with the opportunity to participate in the Program.
39.	The Promoter will not be liable to the Parent / Guardian or the Participant for the Promoter’s cancellation of the Program.  
For additional information or to view the FAQ's please visit our website.